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I create surreal images using a photo camera. For each photograph, I develop a scenario and manually create the decorations (these can be giant lobster claws, face masks, flowers with eyes, etc.). When conceptualizing a photograph, I rely on my original idea, allowing my imagination to run free, and I might sculpt, embroider, paint, or apply makeup. Thus, the creation of each photograph is a unique process and can take varying amounts of time. In my work, I do not use artificial intelligence or computer graphics. I only perform color correction on the photos in graphic editors.

In my art, I explore the psychology of interactions between people and their environment, transforming human emotions into visual form. Since emotions are abstract, the ability to represent them visually is particularly fascinating to me. Often, in my photographs, I use a visual technique of hiding the character's face and conveying emotions through other objects or body parts. I invite the viewer into a world where the boundaries between reality and fantasy blur, and surreal scenes serve as a bridge between the inner world of emotions and external reality.

© 2021-2024, Kseniia Antipina | All rights reserved | Berlin, Germany | advt.ka@gmail.com